Coonabarabran High is known to be good at a lot of things, constructing paper planes may not be one of them but so what if paper planes aren’t our specialty. You can’t say we didn’t try, which is probably one of our best qualities as a school. Students from all year groups tried their hand at building paper planes for the Science Week National Paper Plane Challenge. Science is all about having a go, asking questions and finding answers in the strangest places. For every dud paper plane, we have learnt a little bit more about the mechanics of flight.
Some of the finalists include:
The Resilience Award: Annabel Shannon and Alex Freeman for most mechanical revisions.
The Excellence Award: Luke Bonello and Jack Richards for the furthest flight.
The Respect Award: Toby Newton and Mr Stewart for the longest time in air.
The Winners will be announced on the next assembly.
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