27 Nov 2019

The Quicksmart Numeracy and MULTILIT participants celebrated the successful completion of the programs on Tuesday 26th November with the presentation of certificates, followed by the cutting of a cake to acknowledge their achievements.
Quicksmart Numeracy is a 30 week program where students are withdrawn and paired with another student 3 times a week for 30 minutes . Quicksmart emphasises the role of automaticity in learning. Students become quick in their response speed and smart in their strategy. The aim is to improve students’ information retrieval times to levels that free working-memory capacity. Ultimately Quicksmart frees up working memory so students can engage meaningfully in more demanding activities like problem solving and multiple computations. Mrs Sue Norton our trained Quicksmart tutor has been implementing the program since it was introduced into the school in 2011.
MULIT and MULTILIT (Extension) are offered to students to enhance their reading and comprehension skills. This program usually runs for 2 terms and students are withdrawn 1:1, three times a week with our trained MULTILIT tutor Mrs Kelly Heaney.
Analysis of past NAPLAN results has revealed that students who have participated in these programs have achieved impressive average Scaled Score Growth in the Numeracy, Reading and Writing components of NAPLAN compared with State growth.