13 Nov 2019

L-R: James Whalan, Mr Hugh Deasey, Connor Hughes-Tincknell
From 12th until 18th of January 2020 James Whalan (Year 10) and Connor Tinknell-Hughes (Year 11) from Coonabarabran High School will attend The Indigenous Australian Engineering School. This select program accepts only 20 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students who will be entering years 10, 11 or 12 in 2020.
The Indigenous Australian Engineering School (IAES) is an annual event, established and funded by Engineering Aid Australia (a non-profit organisation). The IAES is conducted in Sydney by the University of Sydney’s Faculty of Engineering on behalf of Engineering Aid Australia.
Students will spend each morning trying out different types of engineering activities and in the afternoons go on site visits to engineering companies, it will also include a Vice-Regal Reception at Admiralty House.
Now that both students have been accepted into the course they will also qualify for an Engineering Aid Australia Continuing School scholarship. This is to help with some of their education expenses in Years 11 and 12. Later, if they complete Year 12 and get a place at any university in Australia to study Engineering or a related course, they will be eligible for an Engineering Aid Australia Tertiary Education scholarship.
The positions at the school are fully funded by Engineering Aid Australia with donations from its sponsors which include engineering companies, government departments and private donors.
This includes all their travel costs to and from Sydney, as well as accommodation and fees.
The school community is very proud of James and Connor and grateful to Engineering Aid Australia and Sydney University for this amazing opportunity!